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Neotrópico Foundation

An exotic wildlife centre in the Canary Islands

The Neotrópico Foundation was founded in 1991 in Tenerife by the GIEB (Grupo de Investigaciones Etológicas Binjawack). The GIEB is a scientific organisation dedicated to the study of animal behaviour, the reproduction in captivity of endangered species, zoological dissemination and teaching the fundamentals of nature protection. It also acts as a rescue centre for species of American wildlife and reptiles seized by SEPRONA.

Today, this international, non-profit foundation has been declared of general interest by Ministerial Order adopted by the Council of Ministers as published in Official State Bulletin 232 of 27 September 2000.

At Binter we collaborate with this organisation by giving the necessary support to its projects to protect and maintain the environment of an archipelago as unique as ours.

Profile of the head of a tortoise
Close-up profile of an iguana
Close-up of a monkey
Close-up of a lizard