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Red Cross

Binter y Red Cross join forces for the islands´ well-being

The Red Cross in the Canary Islands assists more than 200,000 people every year through its projects and services. Of these, almost 50% are assisted from its Social Intervention area where the majority are people in extremely vulnerable situations.

Thanks to its work, thousands of people in social difficulty have managed to improve their employability through projects such as the Red Cross Employment Plan. This work would be impossible without the support of its partners and volunteers, including Binter, whose contributions give continuity to this humanitarian work.

The Red Cross also has a wide territorial network that allows it to act specifically in the Canary Islands archipelago. But these achievements are also the merit of a society such as that of the Canary Islands, which every year proves to be one of the most supportive in Spain, supporting important fundraising actions for the NGO such as the Sorteo de Oro (Gold Draw) or the Día de la Banderita (Little Flag Day).

A Red Cross volunteer caring for a person.
Red Cross volunteer playing with several children
Two people painting a mural
A volunteer caring for a woman