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Binter encourages donations to UNICEF from its customers and employees

UNICEF is an agency of the United Nations (UN) based in New York that provides humanitarian and development assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. Created in 1946 to help the children of Europe after World War II, it has been a permanent agency within the UN system since 1953. Its mission is to help children and families and their rights.

Since then, the NGO works in more than 191 countries and territories through various programmes and National Committees. Its work is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and focuses on five priority areas of work: child survival and development, education and gender equality, children and HIV/AIDS, child protection and policy advocacy and alliances.

At Binter we collaborate with this organisation through the Solidarity Payroll, an action where the company´s employees can make a monthly donation. Our online payment gateway also allows users and customers to make a donation to UNICEF when purchasing a ticket. A small gesture to help this enormous cause.

A group of smiling children holding Unicef folders.
Unicef volunteer training a group of girls.
A unicef doctor examines a child while his mother holds him.
A Unicef volunteer cares for a child.